ABSH will encourage and support member schools as they fulfill the Standards of the
Association and model 21st century practices in education.
ABSH schools will be leaders in transforming Honduran education as it moves forward into
creating a 21st century school system.
The Association of Bilingual Schools of Honduras (ABSH) believes in a democratic,
pluralistic and multilingual society and THAT…
Did you know that the origins of the ABSH dates back to the 1970s? We are working on compiling information from the early years to share how this organization has evolved into its present day status.
There is a map of Honduras with the green color representing land. The stars represent the five stars of the Honduran Flag, which is a symbol of the five Central America nations: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The yellow, red, and blue stripes represent the activities of the ABSH: Academics, Sports, and Arts. A special thanks to UNITEC for designing this logo.